Elektra Elektronik GmbH & Co. Störcontroller KG Hummelbühl 7-7/1 71522 Backnang Germany

Tel.  07191 182-0
Fax 07191 182-200

Opening hours
Mon. - Thu. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Sales Contacts

Tel.  07191 182-0
Fax 07191 182-200

Opening hours
Mon.-Thu. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Technical Support

Kontaktbox UK

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Data protection

Status of the switch board:
All are supplied

Power Supplies

Different applications require various voltage levels. Our range includes power supply units, buffer chargers with rechargeable batteries or maintenance-free capacitor-buffered small UPSs and DC/DC converters. Our devices do not only operate the usual standard voltages, but also support the special operating voltages 12 V, 48 V, 60 V, 110 V and 220 V. For low-power data loggers, which are not on the electrical grid, suitable battery packs and solar panel systems as well as long-term batteries are available, which enable autonomous operation for up to 12 months.

Power Supplies

Effective voltage converters

Our range also includes wide-range switching power supplies, which are ideally suited as power supplies for telecontrol technology  devices. Stable 24V DC output voltage is provided from the classic 230V AC supply voltage.

Wide range switching power supply WSN

  • Regulated output voltage 24 V DC, 2.5 A
  • Short circuit and overload protection of the output current
  • Operation condition supervision by LED

Buffer Chargeres

Uninterruptible supply

Buffer chargers allow the safe and uninterruptable supply of the connected consumers with an accumulator buffering. An intelligent microprocessor based control ensures the optimal usage of the accumulator capacity and prevents an overload. If a safe transmission of the last state in a facility in the event of a power failure is sufficient, buffered DC power supplies put themselves forward, based on ultracapacitors as energy storage. These ensure a maintenance-free operation of up to 30 years acc. to the ambient conditions. The broad input voltage range from 115...230 V AC is being monitored for operation as well as the charging status by 2 potential isolated contacs and 3 LEDs.



Accessories for power supplies

For Low power data loggers, which are being operated without coverage about the mains supply, there are next to accumulator packs and solar cell panel installations also long time batteries available, providing a stand-alone function of up to 12 months. A accumulator pack consists of two of the adjacent individually mountable accumulators, which can be assembled on DIN rails. A higher accumulator lifetime can be ensured by optional temperature sensors.