Elektra Elektronik GmbH & Co. Störcontroller KG Hummelbühl 7-7/1 71522 Backnang Germany

Tel.  07191 182-0
Fax 07191 182-200

Opening hours
Mon. - Thu. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Sales Contacts

Tel.  07191 182-0
Fax 07191 182-200

Opening hours
Mon.-Thu. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

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Message from the wind turbine:

Everything is spinning



Telecontrol technology

The very robust EES telecontrol technology is easy to handle, can simply be adapted to the respective tasks and is optimized for the respective transmission medium. Our line of telecontrol systems ranges from simple, unidirectional two-wire multiplexers to complex telecontrol networks with data loggers, which can be linked using various media and standardised protocols. Because the modern communication systems have developed far beyond simple signal transmission and now comprise very complex fields of tasks.  Therefore far-reaching and extremely dependable transmission technologies serve to securely transmit digital or analog data, as well as field bus protocols over great distances - both, wirelessly as well as using cables or dial-up connections. We will be glad to supply you with devices parameterised at our factory upon request, even with encryption. We are pleased to assist you with a comprehensive range of services from planning to commissioning.

Simple Signal Transmission

2-wire Multiplexer

The 2-wire multiplexer are ideal for signal transmission in widely ramified water / wastewater, industrial and railway sites and building engineering. The compact units does not demand on quality of the cable that are used for the transmission and have a high immunity to interference in the transmission of analog current or voltage values ​​as well as digital, static signals and counters. For reliable transmission and analysis of the data telegrams secure protocols are used. Depending on requirements data transmission is unidirectional or bidirectional.


Unidirectional 2-wire multiplexer ZS8A

  • Unidirectional transmission on control lines up to 15 km distance
  • Transmission of 8 binary values, two of it are configurable as counting values
  • Expansion possibilities by 8 additional binary values or one analog value

Bidirectional 2-wire multiplexer ZS16

  • Bidirectional two-wire transmission up to 15 km
  • Transmission of commands, messages, measuring and set values
  • Modular system configuration up to 16 binary and 4 analog values

Modular telecontrol system MFW

Wired or wireless data transmission

The modular telecontrol system MFW is an universal modular telecontrol platform, which excels in its high modularity and flexibility. The concept of the MFW was designed especially for the connection of far distributed outside facilities to a control centre. The MFW system supports a variety of transmission media and can be extended by a soft PLC for automation tasks. For the reliable transmission and evaluation of data telegrams secured protocols are used.

MFW powerline

  • Remote operation on live cables and cable screens
  • Modular upgrading up to 32 stations and a maximum of 512 I/O modules
  • Transmission on live cables up to 3 x 1000 V, 0 ... 60 Hz or cable screens of medium voltage lines

MFW two-wire

  • Transmission via electrically isolated cables over distances up to 30 km, optional encrypted
  • Modular expansion up to 32 stations and a maximum of 512 I/O modules
  • The carrier-frequency system guarantees high interference immunity – hamming distance > 6
MFW optical fiber

MFW optical fibre

  • Uni- or bidirectional point-to-point data transmission
  • Modular configuration for up 32 I/O modules
  • Special version with transmission < 200 ms available

MFW Fault Annunciator

  • Alarm and fault messages on mobile phone or fax optional as email or pager
  • Controlling per SMS optional
  • Basic module with 8 digital inputs

Modular telecontrol system
Extended functionality

More functionalities, more applications

The MFW telecontrol family stands out due to a flexible, modular concept, serving as a basis for different application-oriented variants. Besides speed optimized transmission modes also data logger are available, enabling an operation without connection to a mains supply by means of low power consumption. In this way data can comprehensibly be aquired and archived.

Accessoires for telecontrols

Extensive accessories portfolio

You will find an extensive accessories portfolio at EES for all products and applications. All accessories get comprehensively tested and are checked on applicability and suitability for their applications.

For radio modules there are various aerials available, depending on the installation location, as well as assembly and cable material. For power line transmissions we offer different line filters and carrier frequency traps. For the reliable operation of low-power systems there are suitable solar panels and accumulators or batteries available.